Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: When the inverter is working, the back temperature is a little high. Is that normal?
A: This is a normal phenomenon because the entire inverter dissipates heat through the heat sink on the back, and the inverter can only work normally when the heat dissipation is normal.

However, the normal temperature of the working environment is usually below 60 degrees. If the temperature is too high, the inverter will run under load. When installing, it is recommended to install the inverter in a cool and ventilated place and avoid exposure to sunlight and continuous rain.

Q: Why is the PV system installed at my home not producing the desired amount of electricity?
A: PV power generation varies depending on objective conditions. In addition to the losses of the PV system itself, the intensity of solar radiation,

the tilt angle of the PV panels, dust, snow, shadows, etc. blocking the light reaching the panels, as well as exceeding the standard operating temperature of the panels (25°C) reduce the power generation capacity. It is therefore recommended to choose the correct tilt angle for installation and clean the PV modules regularly.

Q: The inverter shuts down and the red light turns on. The display shows mains voltage too high/too low, mains frequency too high/too low, mains missing and the corresponding error code. How can I fix the problem?
A: Most of the overvoltage, undervoltage and underfrequency errors reported by the inverter are problems with the grid itself, not the inverter.

The inverter itself can be used normally within the voltage and frequency ranges specified for safety reasons.

Q: How do I choose the right inverter for solar panels of different power?
A: To avoid energy loss, an inverter with an output of 1.5 watts is recommended.

If you have any further questions about inverters, you can contact us by email:

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